Money & Happiness
What is your definition of happiness?
Is it having nice things or having an education to work at a high paid job?
Perhaps, it’s as simple as experiencing something fun or exciting?
One of the most misguided beliefs is that money and possessions bring happiness when in fact, that is not true!
Research has shown that even though money does make the world go round, it is not what makes individuals happy.
It doesn’t come close to the happiness that relationships with family, friends, and significant others have.
According to psychologist, Leaf Van Boven, who researched money and happiness, found that people are happier when they spend money on experiences versus material possessions.
He learned that people’s moods become more elevated when they recall experiences rather than objects despite how great those objects may have been at the time.
Memories become more treasured! Objects, well, just depreciate!
It makes sense considering our most treasured times are the experiences we have with others.
Thinking back to one of the happiest moments in my life as a child, I don’t think of a toy or money.
I think of spending time with my family.
The holiday dinners spent around the table. The constant chatter and laughter from everyone around. The absolute comfort of being around those who you love and who love you in return.
Those are the moments that I will never forget as a child.
Can you think of a time in your childhood that made you the happiest? More than likely it’s not a possession or a stack of money that made you happy. It was an experience. A memory to last a lifetime.
Our kids remember these experiences as well! Much more than any new toy or gadget.
In fact, kids treasure the relationships they have with others, and it’s important for us, as parents, to teach our kids the skills needed to create healthy relationships with all individuals they encounter.
The two most important relationships they have are family and friends.
Here are a few skills needed to have a healthy relationship.
– Communication
– Respect
– Thoughtfulness
– Love
Teach your kids these values in a relationship so they can develop good and meaningful relationships with others, because money and possessions fade quickly. But with the proper approach, relationships for you and your children can last a lifetime.