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Happiness Poll – What makes parents happy?

Happiness Poll – What makes parents happy?

Its amazing how we forget that it’s the little things and pleasures that give us the most fulfillment and happiness. A survey of 1000 parents in the UK showed just that the number one thing that made parents happy – spending the day with their family.

This is no surprise as the research in the last 50 years on happiness shows that the quality and quality of a person’s connections – family, friendships, co-workers, etc. is so very closely related to happiness that they might as well be equated.

In an interesting a study conducted by Harvard University (The Grants study), one of the longest running studies on human development, which began in 1938 followed 268 undergraduate Harvard men. The conclusion, children that had healthy relationships with their parents correlated with earning on average $87,000 more a year, lower anxiety levels and increased life satisfaction.

So having spending time with you kids is not only good for you, but your kids also!

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